Monday 25 March 2013

Representations of Gypsies and Travellers in The Media

Big Fat Gypsy Wedding - 

  • Controversial use of the word 'gypsy' in the title, as the program is actually about Irish travellers.
  • Focuses on weddings, but also on traveller lifestyle and gender roles within their community
  • Often explores the place of women, their clothes
  • Shows traveller women as having a lack of education, having old fashioned values, dressing provocatively to appeal to men and portrays that their life's purpose is to be a mother, wife and housekeeper
  • Shows traveller men as uneducated, loud, confrontational, as heavy drinkers and slightly abusive and misogynistic towards women
  • Has been criticised for it's focus on how young traveller girls dress and act, has been accused of sexualising these girls
  • Has been criticised for it's narrow view on traveller culture, and the fact that it only highlights certain parts of traveller life 
  • Has been praised for raising awareness of traveller's culture, family values and strong sense of community
  • Showed the struggle of travellers who are being evicted from their homes by local councils, their rough treatment by police and the support they received from local members of the public
Traveller Times Blog;
  • News and current affairs blog written by gypsies and travellers
  • Includes articles about media portrayal of their communities, as well as events and listings for job opportunities
  • Articles are well researched and written, breaking the stereotype that gypsies and travellers are uneducated or old fashioned.
  • It also includes a section 'Who are Gypsies and Travellers?' aimed at educating the public

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